Klandestino Finance
3 min readJun 28, 2021


Hello Klandestinos

Today we bring a great update, after an important period of testing and implementations in testnet, we can conclude this stage of testing successfully. In them we want to emphasize that in addition to the long awaited Stake, we will leave with all the functions developed in the source code and reflected (with some improvements) in the white paper 1.0, which we will detail one by one in the following news. Soon all the Smart will come to life and we will start testing in Mainent to finalize small adjustments before the big launch of the Kladestinoswap.finance ecosystem, and we will notify 72 hours before the start of farming so you can prepare your Klp or prepare for any other farming you are interested in. Remember that we will be adding pool organically and by voting we will also choose new community projects. We will detail everything shortly once the corresponding flows and tests are finalized.

Each profit line will have its guide and information of use, but each DEFI user must analyze his strategy and have knowledge of what he is doing becoming an active user in decentralized finance. Here we bring a small summary of what we will have next week live. Don't miss it!

✅ Farming & Stake: Any user will be able to bring their funds and add them in liquidity or staking, to start farming their Klan tokens, both Klp and solitary tokens which can be compounded to maximize results. Once we have implementations on mainnet we will release extensive guides and news with more detailed information.

✅Loans: You will be able to deposit your funds in several tokens and get a deposit reward for it. In addition you will get an extra Klan for participating in Loans. You will also be able to request collateral from the deposited collateral, each one marking a different settlement threshold. It is advisable to know well the functioning of the Loan protocols before interacting or requesting collateral. We will soon provide detailed guides and more information about the mechanisms implemented as well as the different oracles added for value predictions and ecosystem security.

✅Bonus Extras: You will have several possible extra gains. You will be able to make your klan purchase after activating your ref link and get 5% of the purchase of each friend you bring from a Level. You will also have by farming an extra profit by claiming your ref, as well as bonus for loyalty in time to all those who participate without ref both in farming and loans, rewarding the loyalty in time with us. All these bonuses are detailed in the white and web pages. Only with limited amounts and certain limitations that will also be detailed in guides and documents shortly and may undergo variations to improve the initial taking care of the future of the project. These extra earnings will have small blocks of time to preserve the sustainability of Klan.

✅Direct prize: Everyone who meets the conditions of more than 100 Usd of Klan, will have the right to win randomly in a single weekly prize of the collected, which will also add methods of burning and re-buying that we will detail in guides and documents.

We want to emphasize that the KlandestinoSwap ecosystem must be created with the community. Each user must be aware of how the pools and AMM mechanism work and understand that we must fill the pools together in order to have an exponential growth, so together we must take care of the project and make Klan start being the engine of the ecosystem, which will also be based on the entire NFT Market Place in which Klan will play a key role. And the Klandestino Band and its characters will start to come to life and be among all of us.

🕵️Remember that initially the APRs are always higher, so we will notify all the beginning soon. Stay tuned to the channels as the following news will bring more news once certain details are finalized.

Thanks to all the community for the support. From Klandestino Finance we will help you to get a good experience and guide you in whatever you need.



Klandestino Finance

Klandestino is a movement born from a group of people who want to defend privacy and anonymity in the crypto world